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A day at... Liverpool Medical School

For many years now I have envisioned myself entering into the medical field, and being able to persue my dream career as a doctor.

I have been keeping my eyes peeled for any opportunities where I can gain more experience in the medical field, and recently I have been able to partake in some unique experiences, providing me with valuable new knowledge and skills to assist me in the future.

One of my most recent experiences was when I went to The University of Liverpool Medical School on Wednesday 6th December 2017.

The original plan was that I would be going with my Mom and Nana, and whilst I was partaking in the activities of the day, they would go and do some shopping. However... We then found out that I had to be there for 9:30am, which was way too early for my Nana.

So, that was the start of me planning my first 'adventure' on my own quite far from home.

I left the house at around 6:50am for my 7:30am train. It took around an hour and 25 minutes to get to Liverpool, and when I arrived, thats when the Google Maps came out, and I had to work out how to get to the Medical Institute.

It was quite easy to find, and the day got off to a really good start with me making some friends that I spent the day with!

The highlights of the day over all were these three things that we got to do:


At the medical school, there was what they called the 'HARC' which stands for the 'Human Anatomy Resource Centre'.

I have to say that it is one of the coolest places I have been, and so technologically adavanced. Before we walked in, all phones, food and drinks had to be put in lockers, and upon entering the HARC, I saw a sea of

Clinical Skills

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