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New Year... New Goals

I am leaving 2017 having learnt a lot, and having gone through a lot of challenges.

This year I sat my GCSE's, left secondary school, started my blog (yay!!) went to Center Parcs, had my 16th Birthday, started college, went to New York, struggled with homework, stressed about most things, went to Liverpool on my own, read a few books, watched LOADS of films and much much more.

Although this year has been a struggle - on a micro and macro scale - I think that the year has a whole has taught me an awful lot, and I have many new goals and improvements to make in 2018!

So, here I have made a little list of my goals for 2018, and what I want to do differently in the ney year...


- Go to bed earlier

- Keep on top of all of my work - even if I don't want to do it and would rather sleep!

- Don't go on my phone as much

- Read more books

- Write more blog posts

- Stay focused

- Don't get intimidated

- Be more confident

- Try to believe in myself more

- Stick to my plans - as much as possible

- Be inspired

- Take more photos

- Cleanse my skin everyday

- Have breakfast

- Use my time more productively

- Think less, do more

- Make more time for myself - BALANCE!!

- Keep organised

- Help more people

- Be more mindful

- Take care of myself more

- Eat cleaner

- Drink less fizzy pop

- Take every opportunity I can

- Don't let anything get in my way


I hope 2018 is a year to remember for all of the right reasons...



Francesca xx

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