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What I'm Thankful For

At Christmas time, I think that it becomes extremely easy to be quite self-indulgent, and only think those that are around you immediately. However, Christmas time is also a time where you can really appreciate what you have to be thankful, and also be mindful of those around you.

For today's Blogmas, I just thought that I would let you know about a couple of things that I am thankful for, especially at this time of year.


Firstly, I am thankful to have all of my family around me. It has not been the easiest of years, as we have lost a few people close to us, and we haven't always had the best health throughout the year as a whole.

Through thick and thin, we have all been there for each other, and I cannot thank my family enough for that.

Also, I am thankful for all of the help and support I have recieved from all of my family and friends throughout 2017. It hasn't been an easy year with doing my GCSE's and starting A-Levels at college, but no matter what, my parents have always been there for me, and so have all of the other people in my life.

This time of year certainly does make you reflect on those things that you have, and those things others do not. I have recently gained a position as a volunteer in a hospital, which has seen me spend quite a bit of time in hospital so far, witnessing people in their greatest time of need.

I am truly lucky to have what I do, and to feel so loved by those around me.

I hope everyone has a wondeful Christmas with family and friends.


Lots of love from...

Francesca xx

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