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Shopping at Christmas

So... The time that everyone dreads... Christmas Shopping.

It is as if the world goes mad at Christmas, and the shops and malls are filled with eager people dashing around hoping to garb the best gift.

For me and my Dad, we leave Christmas shopping until he breaks up from work, so this year we went on Friday 22nd December (the day I'm writing this) and we went to Birmingham as usual.

When we went shopping we did not have anything for my Mom yet, but we knew exactly what we wanted to get her. So we headed straight to where we wanted to go. After a quick stop at Eat. at first for breakfast of course.

Now, I cannot tell you what we got my Mom for Christmas yet, because she'll probably read this before Christmas. But, I can give you some ideas for your parents/loved ones for Christmas presents, and I'll have to let you know whether she likes her presents or not when we give them to her!!


1. Perfume

For me, perfume and aftershave is a go-to for anyone at Christmas time. Something that makes someone smell good makes them feel good as well. So, something smelly is always a good idea. ]

Also, you don't always have to go expensive. Sure, the more expensive scents are nice, but there are some gorgeous looking - and smelling - products in Next for example.

Not just perfumes and aftershaves either. Candles and diffusers for the home make a lovely present!

2. Accessories

Sometimes if you get a main piece of clothing for a loved one for Christmas, a good idea is to buy accessories that can compliment that main pice that you gace brought for them.

For example, if you were to buy a coat for someone, a nice scarf and a pair of gloves would be a lovely accompament. What would make that kind of gift even better, would be making it a statement accessory. Something perhaps in a contrasting, yet complementary, colour would be a great idea.

3. Calender

My mom is someone who would always appreciate a nice calender, and so does my dad. My mom tends to prefer those that hang on the walls, and my dad likes the desk calenders.

To make the gift a little more personal, you could create a photo calender. In the past I have made them on VistaPrint, PhotoBox and most recently Boots.


Any kind of LUSH product is a must at Christmas for me. Anything that makes you smell nice, and also makes the house smell nice is a winner.

What I love most about all of the products at LUSH is that there is so much variety. Shower, bath and cosmetics are just three of the categories of products featured at LUSH, and there is something for both males and females at Christmas!

5. Voucher

Something which is a fool-proof present is a voucher.

The thing that I like about gifting vouchers is the fact that the person can see that you have made the effort in actually going out and buying a voucher (instead of putting money in a card for example), yet there is still felxibility there for them to choose what they want to buy for themsleves.


Thank you for reading and happy shopping...

Francesca xx

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