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Storytime: Magical Memories

Throughout the years I have been lucky enough to have so many magical Christmas memories. It is hard to pinpoint one, but if I had to choose one memory that is my favourite, it would have to be when I was 6 years old, and I went to Center Parcs for Christmas.

Until I was 6, I had spent every year at home for Christmas. But, my Mom was heavily pregnant with my little Sister, Gabriella, and we decided that we would all go to Center Parcs for Christmas, icluding my Nana and Popsey (my Grandma and Grandad).

It is always surreal as you first drive down the Center Parcs path, and you are suddenly taken from the motorway to a forest wonderland. But, at Christmas, that experience is times by 1000.

It had been snowing a little, so there was a light dusting of snow over the trees, and the whole place was decorated beautifully. Christmas lights everywhere you looked, and the most adorable little details in all of the shops and villas.

As we walked to go and get our bikes through the village square, we saw that there were barns with singing reindeers inside. Being a 6 year old, this was so magical, and I was so excited. I was seeing 'real' reindeers singing, and I felt as though I was in the happiest place on earth.

Over the next couple of days, we had a real Christmas tree delivered from the forest, and we decorated it as a family. My Nana and Popsey were a couple of villas down, so we saw them all the time, and Christmas cheer filled our villa.

This was also the trip where I watched Home Alone for the first time, and was taken aback by how much I loved it.

I also went to visit Santa. He gave me a choice of toys from two different baskets. I chose a little plush reindeer, as I was mesmerised by the singing reindeers I had already seen on the first night. I named her Holly, and she has come along on every holiday since I had her. New York, France, Switzerland to name a few.

She is best friends with the rabbit I have had since I was born, called Flopsy!

That Christmas morning was unlike any I had ever had before. Santa had visited our villa, after we had put a 'Santa stop here' sign outisde! The only present I can remember vividly was the scooter that I had gotten. My Popsey put it together, and I was scooting aorund the villa all mourning.

For lunch, we went to the restaurant 'Huck's', and for some reason I remember trying crab sticks for the first time. And judging by me not liking them now, I don't think I must have liked them then.


There is my favourite memory of Christmas - so far - and I hope you enjoyed reading.


See you tomorrow,

Francesca xx

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