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Sassy Siren Brushes 🦄

I 100% still consider myself to be a beginner at makeup. Around this time last year I properly got into makeup, and decided to give it a go.

Now I would consider myself ok. 🙈

For my 16th Birthday I decided that I needed a good set of makeup brushes to try and up my makeup skills. I had heard and seen so much about the Spectrum Brushes, and followed the brand on Instagram, however I always thought they were too pricey and that I could get by with the cheaper Elf brushes I had.

Don't get me wrong, I love my Elf brushes, and I still use them on the daily, but I absolutely LOVE my Spectrum brushes. When I first opened them on my birthday I was so scared to use them because they were so pretty!! Soon after I just had to try them, and I have never looked back since.

I chose the Sassy Siren 12 Piece Set which to me is totally worth the money. I am confident that these brushes will last for years to come with some good taking care of by moi. The roll it comes with is so cute as well!

The brushes are of amazing quality, they're fluffy, solid and totally insta-worthy! (And being totally obssesed with mermaids and unicorns, this brand fits my personality to a tee!! 🦄)


Thank you for reading...

Francesca <3

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