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Movie Review 🍿 : Baby Driver ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

A few months ago I was scrolling through my Facebook news feed, and movie news popped up. I am always eager to find out what is coming into cinemas soon, because going to the cinema is one of my favourite things to do; however I was especially excited because the film news came from Ansel Elgort!

Ever since TFIOS I have been in love with Ansel Elgort. This love has only grown through films like Divergent and now his beautiful music... So, I was buzzing that there was a new film starring him!!

Unfortunately, I didn't get to see Baby Driver until a few days ago, so it had already been out quite a while. I expected to walk into the theatre and there to be not many people there baring this in mind, but much to my surprise, it was full!

I now understand why.

The film began with a fast-paced, action-packed opening, much like any other film of a similar nature. I must admit that I was slightly nervous the film wouldn't live up to my expectations when it began, but a few more minutes in, my love for the film grew and grew.

One of the things I loved most about the film was the constant musical references. A continuous, classic thread was woven throughout the whole of the film, where music built the foundations to many of the characters and the story line.

For me, the music was not exactly my taste, and they were not songs that I would necessarily listen to on my own. Despite this, I felt as though I could appreciate each and every song because of the sentimental value each track was given, and journey each tune took you on.


s someone who views themselves as having quite a modern view on life, I was refreshed to be transported to a classic-yet-modern world through both Lily James and Ansel Elgort's impressive portrayal of their characters.

It is easy for me to become attached to characters, as I am a sucker for a good plot line and relatable characters; but I found myself investing raw emotion into each and every character throughout the film, despite some featuring only briefly.

In addition to the overall fast-paced nature of the film, the genuinely emotional raw moments were both apt and necessary in my opinion. Towards the end (without spoiling too much) I found a tear come to my eye as a bond between a young boy and an older gentleman was strengthened and broken all at once. Such a sweet moment sparked true feelings within me, and made me love the film even more.

Overall, I cannot fault Baby Driver. I was taken on an emotional rollercoaster throughout, where I felt anger, frustration, sadness and overwhelming joy all within an hour or two. For me, empathy is sometimes hard; so I know when I can empathise with characters, the film has been done tremendously.

Thank you Baby Driver... You were truly incredible.


Thanks for reading...

Francesca <3

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